Pros of Tar & Chip Driveway

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Pros of Tar & Chip Driveway

Tar & Chip Contractor

There are quite a few choices you’ll have when you’re trying to decide on how to install a new driveway. Whether you’ve just moved into a brand-new house, or whether you’re re-paving an existing driveway, it will be worth your while to consider your options rather than to just choose what everyone else in your neighborhood has selected. There are quite a few advantages that go along with installing a tar and chip driveway, and you might be surprised at why this can be such a good option for you.

Low maintenance

In contrast to some other driveway options, a tar and chip driveway has very little upkeep or maintenance associated with it. There’s almost no wear and tear involved, there are no cracks that develop, and there is no swelling of the driveway surface. The heat of the sun will actually rejuvenate your tar and chip driveway, because when the tar warms up, it will fill any small cracks which might be there, and the stones will be recovered. This kind of driveway never needs to be resealed, and you never have to lay extra stones on it.

Low cost

It can be a very expensive prospect to have a new driveway installed, especially if you’re thinking about concrete or some other high-cost material. One of the most cost-effective options you can choose is a tar and chip driveway because it offers all the benefits of an asphalt driveway, but it costs much less. Since there’s almost no maintenance associated with a tar and chip driveway, you will continue to save on the cost of upkeep, making it an even more cost-efficient choice.

Aesthetic appeal

If installed properly, a tar and chip brought driveway can impart a beautiful and sophisticated look to your residence. The stone part of the driveway can complement any type of home you might have built, and you can even get pretty creative with the installation. For instance, you might want to include cobblestone edging or some kind of recognizable pattern which you create with colored stones. You can also line the driveway with shrubs or hedges to produce a stately and artistic look to the front of your home.


Like any other driveway, the life cycle of a tar and chip driveway will be dependent upon factors such as the climate you live in, the frequency of traffic it must bear, and the base material used to install the driveway. On average, a typical tar and chip driveway will generally last between 15 and 20 years before it becomes necessary to re-lay the driving surface. Even so, the surface quality of your driveway will not diminish significantly during that time, so it’s entirely possible you could go much longer before having to re-install.

Excellent traction

The rough texture provided by the stones in a tar and chip driveway provides terrific traction in all kinds of weather. Whether it’s raining, snowing, or a hailstorm is in progress, you can expect to have solid driving with no slipping on a tar and chip driveway. Even while it provides this great traction for your automobile, it’s still a very easy surface for pedestrians and cyclists to enjoy, so your whole family will appreciate this benefit.

Construction process

The process necessary to install a tar and chip driveway is extremely simple, and it can all be accomplished very quickly. All that’s really necessary is to dig a base while ensuring that the edges are properly aligned with your residence or your property line. Then you’ll have to lay a gravel base which will support the hot liquid asphalt that gets laid down in the next step. After the asphalt is laid down over the gravel, a layer of stones is placed on top of the asphalt and rolled flat, so that it can set firmly into the asphalt that way, and provide a good flat surface for drivers and pedestrians. Unlike any other form of driveway installment, a tar and chip driveway is ready to be used as soon it has been laid down and set, so if you’re anxious to start using it, you simply won’t have to wait at all.

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